Lower Angara region, High Middle Ages, jewelry, appliques, typology, chronology, manufacturing techniquesAbstract
The present paper investigates three-part appliques from the ensemble of archaeological sites of Shivera Prospikhino, which was located in the Lower Angara region. The variants of this type of jewelry have been indicated, and their territorial distribution in the region and Northern Eurasia have been determined. The chronological frame of the extent of appliques during the research archaeological complex is presented. The highest diversity of variants of appliques are recorded in the burials of the 12th — middle 13th century. In the burials of the Mongol period (the 13th–14th century) appliques with a plain shield and items with a drawn line on shield predominate. Jewelry with a convex figured nose, with “pearls” on the ears and with a drawn line in the center of the shield have not been not marked in the materials of nearby and distant archaeological complexes of Northern Eurasia. The paper puts forward a position on the universal using of three-part appliques. Visual research of the appliques allowed us to record technological traces that reflect the techniques of making jewelry. The characteristic of the recipe of the alloys used has been presented. At the moment, the published materials indicate that the territory of the Lower Angara region is the north-eastern border of the mass distribution of three-part appliques.
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