Andronovo culture, Fedorovo culture, ceramics, historical and cultural approach, history of studyAbstract
Based on the analysis of publications devoted to the study of ceramics of the Andronovo (Fedorovo) culture of the steppe and forest-steppe Altai, the article considers the peculiarities of pottery production, studied within the framework of the historical and cultural direction developed by A. A. Bobrinsky. Using the historical and cultural approach, the researchers studied the ceramic complexes of twelve settlements and two burial grounds of the Andronovo (Fedorovo) culture of Altai, totaling 559 vessels. On the basis of the published studies, the article gives a general characteristic of the technology for the manufacture of Andronovo ceramics of Altai is given, and identifies the main directions of research work reflecting the approaches to the analysis of the material considered. The available data on the technology of making dishes of the Andronovo (Fedorovo) culture allow us to say about the prospects of studying this topic from the standpoint of the historical and cultural direction. A.A. Bobrinsky’s approach makes it possible to draw conclusions about cultural traditions in pottery, reconstruct the directions of migration and reveal the mixing of population groups, which will contribute to solving the issues of the origin and periodization of the Fedorov culture not only of the steppe and forest-steppe Altai, but also of the entire area of distribution of the Andronovo cultural and historical community.
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