
P. K. Dashkovskiy, doctor of historical sciences, Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul)


International Council:

Sh. Mustafaev, doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, (Azerbaijan, Baku)

A.S. Zhanbosynova, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)

S. D. Atdaev, candidate of historical sciences (Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad)

N.I. Osmonovа, candidate of philosophical sciences (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)

Ts. Stepanov, doctor of historical sciences (Bulgaria, Sofia)

A. M. Dosymbaeva, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)

Z.S. Samashev, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)

M. Gantuya, Ph.D. (Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar)

Y. Ikeda, doctor of Humanities (Japan, Tokyo)

E. Smolarts, Ph.D. (Germany, Bonn)

Kh. Omarkhali, doctor of philosophy (Germany, Berlin)


Editorial Board:

S. A. Vasutin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)

N. L. Zhukovskay, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Moscow)

A. P. Zabiyako, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Blagoveshchensk)

A. A. Tishkin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)

N. А. Tomilov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Omsk)

T. D. Skrynnikova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)

O. M. Homushku, doctor of philosophy (Russia, Kyzyl)

M. M. Shakhnovich, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)

E. S. Elbakyan, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Moscow)

L. I. Sherstova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Tomsk)

A. G. Sitdikov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kazan)

E. A. Shershneva (managing editor), candidate of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)

M. M. Sodnompilova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude)

K. A. Kolobova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)


Editorial Council:

L. N. Yarmolenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)

L. S. Marsadolov, doctor of Culturology (Russia, St. Petersburg)

G. G. Pikov, doctor of historical sciences, doctor of cultural studies (Russia, Novosibirsk)

A. V. Gorbatov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)

K. A. Rudenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kazan)

D. V. Papin, candidate of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)

A. K. Pogassiy, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Kazan)

S. A. Yatsenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Moscow)

S. V. Lyubichankovsky, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Orenburg)

U. A. Lusenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)

A. D. Tairov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Chelyabinsk)

A. V. Baulo, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)

A. V. Polyakov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, St. Petersburg)