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  • Archaeology;
  • Ethnology and anthropology;
  • Philosophy of Religion and Religious studies;
  • Domestic history;
  • General history;
  • Book reviews;
  • Information about conferences;
  • Personalities.



To publish an article in the journal, it is necessary to send it in electronic form and write information about the author (surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic degree, academic title, postal address, telephone, e-mail). The article can include text up to 40 thousand characters with spaces (14 point font, single spacing, in Word format: margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm). Give pictures (photos) as separate files. A full list of used works is necessarily attached to the article.

The article should contain key words (up to 15 words) and abstract in Russian and English (under 1000 symbols without spaces).

Machine (computer) translation is not accepted. The abstract to the article should be original, reflect the main content of the article and the results of research.


Example of preparing the article and references




Surname, name, patronymic (middle name) of author in English

Title of the article in English

Abstract (in English, at least 1000 symbols)

Key words (in English up to 15 words)


Surname, name, patronymic (middle name) of author in Russian

Title of the article in Russian

Abstract (in Russian at least 1000 symbols)

Key words (in Russian up to 15 words)


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UDK 930


V.A. Burnakov

Institute of archaeology and ethnography Siberian branch Russian academy of sciences, Novosibirsk (Russia)



The aim of the work is to study the perception of nature in the traditional worldview of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Southern Siberia.

The chronological scope of work covers the end of the XIX – mid XX centuries. Selection temporal boundaries caused primarily by the status of the database sources on the research topic. The main sources are archival and ethnographic materials. The work based on comprehensive, system-historical approach to the study of the past. The research methodology based on historical and ethnographic methods – scientific description, the specific historical and relic.

The indigenous inhabitants of Southern Siberia, in the process of prolonged interaction with the environment and result of adaptation to it, formed the culture most adapted to the given natural conditions. A significant place in it given to traditions associated with environmental views and norms. The basis of the ecological consciousness of the peoples of this region was the idea of an inseparable connection between man and his environment, the homeland, that is, with the place where he was born, lived and died. In fact, it was the space in which the entire life activity of man. In the thinking of believers, nature perceived as a living and sentient being, which reflected in the corresponding practical relation to it. In the traditional worldview, man is not isolated from nature. There is no rigid boundary between it and the surrounding world, which, as already noted, in the mythological consciousness, had a partial or complete identification with man.


Key words: Turkic and Mongolian peoples, Southern Siberia, Khakas, culture, tradition, man, nature, ecological views.


В.А. Бурнаков

Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН,  г. Новосибирск (Россия)



Целью статьи является изучение восприятие природы в традиционном  мировоззрении тюркских и монгольских народов Южной Сибири. Хронологические рамки работы охватывают конец XIX – середину XX веков. Выбор таких временных границ вызван, прежде всего, состоянием базы источников по теме исследования. Основными источниками выступают исторические и этнографические материалы. Работа основывается на комплексном, системно-историческом подходе к изучению прошлого. Методика исследования опирается на историко-этнографические методы – научного описания, конкретно-исторического и реликта.

Коренные жители Южной Сибири в процессе длительного взаимодействия с окружающей средой и в результате адаптации к ней сформировали наиболее приспособленную к данным природным условиям культуру. Значительное место в ней отводится традициям, связанными с экологическими воззрениями и нормами. Основу экологического сознания народов этого региона составляла идея неразрывной связи человека со средой обитания – родиной, т.е., с тем местом, где он родился, жил и умирал. По сути, оно являлось тем пространством, в котором осуществлялась вся жизнедеятельность человека. В мышлении верующих природа воспринималась в качестве живого и чувствующего существа, что нашло отражение и в соответствующем практическом отношении к ней. В традиционном мировосприятии человек не выделен из природы. Отсутствует жесткая граница между ним и окружающим миром, который в мифологическом сознании как уже отмечалось, имел частичное или полное отождествление человеку.


Ключевые слова: тюркские и монгольские народы, Южная Сибирь, хакасы, культура, традиция, человек, природа, экологические воззрения.

*Работа выполнена в рамках Программы фундаментальных исследований Президиума РАН «Адаптация народов и культур к изменениям природной среды, социальным и техногенным трансформациям) (проект №07-01-00842а)



Bibliographical list

Bibliographical references are given in the text in square brackets: surname (or surnames), author's initials, year of publication, page (pages). For example: [Ivanov, 1962: 62] or [Ivanov, Petrov, 1997: 39-45]. When the names of authors and the year of publication coincide in the reference and in the list of literature, the year of publication is supplemented with a letter. For example: [Ivanov, 1997a: 49; Ivanov, 1997b: 14]. After the bibliographic list, references are placed.

Example of preparing a bibliographical list:

  1. Monograph:

Levi-Stross K. Structurnaya antropologiya. M.: Nauka, 1983. 432 p.

  1. Article in the collection of papers:

Kuzmina E.E. Kon’ v religii i iskusstve sakov i skifov // Skify i sarmaty. M.: Nauka, 1977. P. 96–119.

  1. Article in a journal:

Dashkovskiy P.K., Dvoryanchikova N.S. Polozhenie  khristianskikh obschin v Altaiskom krae v seredine 1960-h-seredine 1970-h gg.// Religiovedenie. 2016. №1. P. 75– 83.

  1. Abstract:

Soloviev A.I. Pogrebal’nye pamyatniki naseleniya Ob’-Irtysh’ya v Srednevekov’e (obryad, mif, sotsyum): Dis. … d-ra. ist. nauk. Novisibirsk, 2006. 250 p.

  1. Archive materials:

Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Altaiskogo kraya. F.R.1692. Op. 1. D.76.

  1. Internet resource:

Istoriya buddizma v Mongolii // Nyame Sherab Gyaltsen [Electronnyy resurs]. – URL: http:// bonshenchenling.org/lineage/nyame-sherab-gyalcen.html/ (data obrasheniya 19.10.2016).

  1. Editions in foreign languagе:

D Dibble H. L., Pelcin A. The effect of hammer mass and velocity on flake mass // Journal of Archaeological Science. 1995. Vol. 22. P. 429–439. (на англ. яз.).



References list has all the publications of the “Scientific Literature” list in Latin form in English alphabetical order. All the information about publications in Cyrillic alphabet should be transliterate and translate into English.  Transliteration: а – a, б – b, в – v, г – g, д – d, е – e, ё – yo, ж – zh, з – z, и – i, й –i, к – k, л – l, м – m, н – n, о – o, п – p, р – r, c – s, т –t, у – u, ф – f, х – kh, ц – ts, ч – ch, ш – sh, щ – shch, ъ – ’’, ы – y, ь – ’, э – e, ю – yu, я – ya.  This list is necessary for right indexation in foreign scientific data bases (Scopus и Web of Science).


Instructions for references (Latinized list)

1) Use site "Convert Cyrillic":www.convertcyrillic.com/Convert.aspx. In the left column (CONVERT FROM), select the option opposite to which you see the correctly displayed phrase "Russian language" - most likely it will be: Unicode [Russian]. In the right column (CONVERT TO), select the second option: ALA-LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without Diacritics [Russkii iazyk]. Copy the entire list of "Scientific Literature" from your article into the left column box. Click the Convert button in the middle. In the right window you will have transliterated text. Copy it to a file with your article.

2) Examples of preparing bibliographical list and list of archive materials:

  1. Monograph:

Okladnikov A.P. Liki Drevnego Amura [Faces of the Ancient Amur]. Novosibirsk: Zapadno-Sibirskoye knizhnoye Publ., 1968, 240 p. (in Russian).

  1. Article in a journal:

Chirkov N.V. Religiovedenie [Study of Religions]. Blagoveshchensk: Makro-S, 2013, no. 4, pp. 41–47 (in Russian).

  1. Translated edition:

Brooking A., Jones P., Cox F. Expert Systems. Principles and Case Studies. Chapman and Hall, 1984, 231 p. (Russ. ed.: Brooking A., Jones P., Cox F. Ekspertnye sistemy. Printsipy raboty i primery. Moscow: Radio i sviaz' Publ., 1987, 224 p.).

  1. Internet resource:

Tsentr izucheniya tibetskoy traditsii Yundrung bon [Centre for Studying the Tibetan Tradition of Yundrung Bon]. Available at: http://bonshenchenling.org/lineage/nyame-sherab-gyalcen.html/ (accessed August 4, 2013). (in Russian).

  1. Dissertation or Abstract:

Ermolina Yu.V. Magiya kak kul’turno-religiozny fenomen. Diss. kand. filos. nauk [Magic as Cultural and Religious Phenomenon. Ph.D. Thesis in Philosophy]. Oryol: OSU Publ., 2009, 155 p. (in Russian).

  1. Conferences materials:

Nesterova T.P. Religiya i politika v 20 veke. Materialy vtorogo Kollokviuma rossiyskikh I ital’yanskikh istorikov [Religion and Politics in the 20th century. Proc. of the Second Symposium of Russian and Italian Historians]. Moscow, 2005, pp. 17–29 (in Russian.).

  1. Archive materials:

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Altaiskogo kraya [State archive of the Altai Krai]. Fund 1. Inventory 1. File 664, fol. 33 (in Russian).

  1. Foreign source (not in English):

Horyna B. Introduction to the Study of Religion [Úvod do religionistiky]. Praha: Oikomene, 1994, 131 p. (in Czech).

Li Fengmao. Wonderland and Travel: The Imagination of the Immortal World. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2010, 468 p. (in Chinese).


Preparing the Illustrations

Illustrations (drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams) are attached as separate files in JPG or TIFF format. They should be scanned at a 300 dpi resolution. The size of the images should not exceed 190 ´ 270 mm. Objects in the picture should be placed compactly, without large unfilled spaces. Each separate object (image) in each picture must have a serial number. This number, like the leveling marks, lines of sections, frames, boundaries of excavation, etc., must be executed not by hand, but in a typewritten manner. All figures and inscriptions in the drawings are executed in Arial font, not bold. Numbers for items should be arranged in their order from left to right and top to bottom. Each first link in the text of the article to the picture and the subject must necessarily begin with the number 1, the next 2, 3, etc. The second and subsequent references to the drawing or subject are making freely.


The authors of the articles give information that publishes at the end of the each issue of the magazine: surname, name, patronymic (middle name), academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, postal address (with postal code), contact telephone number, email.


Articles should be sent to this address:

Dashkovskiy Petr Konstantinovich, Altai State University, Department of regional studies of Russia National and State-Confessional Relations, Dimitrova St. 66, 656049, Barnaul, 

E-mail: dashkovskiy@fpn.asu.ru (with subject Nations and religions of Eurasia)

Contact telephone number +7(3852)296629

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.