The first results of the paleogenetic investigation of andronovskaya (fedorovskaya)culture burials from site Chekanovskiy log-2, 10
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Distribution of the migration wave of the carriers of the Andronovo (Fedorov) culture in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. is one of the key factors that influenced further ethno-cultural processes in the south of Siberia. This work continues the series of studies devoted to the analysis of the structure of the gene pool of the local-territorial Andronovo populations of the region. The burial grounds of Chekanovsky log-2, — 10 are among the most representative sites of the Andronovo culture in terms of the number of paleoanthropological materials available for research by paleogenetic methods. The paper discusses the first results of the analysis of series of mtDNA (N=22) and Y-chromosome (N=8) samples from two burial grounds. The comparative analysis made it possible to preliminary establish the common features of the mtDNA gene pool (the dominance of Western Eurasian haplogroups, the composition of the main clusters) and the Y-chromosome (the uniformity of the male gene pool, represented by structurally similar variants of the Rlala haplogroup) of the locally-territorial groups of the Andronovo population of the Upper Ob region studied to date. The research continues in the direction of increasing the number of individual local-territorial Andronovo series and increasing the number of series, as well as involving individual samples and materials from small burial grounds.
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