Coins and coin-shaped pendants from the excavations of the Bayanovsky burial ground in the Permian Urals

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A. V. Danich


The article analyzes the coins and coin-shaped pendants obtained during the long-term studies of the Bayanovskoye burial ground investigated in 2005-2021. detachment of the Kama archaeological and ethnographic expedition of the Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University. As part of the funeral rite, they are reliable dating material that allows us to talk about the chronology of the burial ground.

The monument is located on the right bank of the river. The source, the right tributary of the river. Vilva, the left tributary of the river. Kosvy, the left tributary of the river. Kama Dobriansky municipal district of the Perm region. The burial ground refers to the Lomovatov archeological culture. At the moment 527 burials have been investigated on it, 42 of which have been found 44 dirhams and 59 coin-like pendants, decorated, as a rule, with silver bracts — imitations of dirhams.

The work summarizes for the first time the significant material of the IX — early X centuries from archaeological excavations that has not been introduced into scientific circulation. The tasks included summarizing information about the chronology of coins from burials, studying the patterns of their distribution on the territory of the burial ground, and also considering the function of coins in burials.

Article Details

How to Cite
Coins and coin-shaped pendants from the excavations of the Bayanovsky burial ground in the Permian Urals. (2022). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(4), 36-55.
Author Biography

A. V. Danich, Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

leading specialist of the laboratory of trace analysis of the archaeological, anthropology, experimental archaeology Research Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Perm state humanitarian-pedagogical University, Perm (Russia)

How to Cite

Coins and coin-shaped pendants from the excavations of the Bayanovsky burial ground in the Permian Urals. (2022). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(4), 36-55.


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