Politicization of islam and traditions of sufism in the history of Turkey

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E. M. Drinova


The purpose of the study: based on the analysis of the activities of the Tarikats, to characterize the political role of Sufism in Turkey. Research methodology: within the framework of political science discourse, based on the principles of scientific analysis, the role of Sufism in the political life of the country was analyzed, and its functional characteristics were determined within the framework of the structural-functional approach. Starting from the XII century the influence of Sufi orders on the formation of the political system of the Ottoman Caliphate is noted. Sufi orders were included in the political space of the empire, which led to its further cultural and historical development. The article examines the process of politicization of Sufism in the history of Turkey. The influence of the Islamic factor on the domestic policy of the country is noted. In the Republic of Turkey in the 30s. of the last century, Sufi orders became the first non-systemic opposition in the country. They posed a threat to the new national identity, and as a result, their activities were banned. Only in the second half of the XX century Tarikats are returning to the political space of Turkey. Their influence on the formation of political parties based on the Sufi ideology, lobbying their interests in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey is noted. Hizmet F. Gulen's movement was focused on building a new Turkish society on the principles of democratic "educational Islam". The result of his activities in the field of education was the opening of educational institutions in English, the training of personnel for work in government bodies. The main focus of the movement was the formation of a new political elite.

Article Details

How to Cite
Politicization of islam and traditions of sufism in the history of Turkey. (2022). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(4), 154-164. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2022)4-09
Author Biography

E. M. Drinova, Volgograd State University

PhD in Philosophy of the Sociology and Political Science Department at Volgograd State University (Russia)

How to Cite

Politicization of islam and traditions of sufism in the history of Turkey. (2022). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(4), 154-164. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2022)4-09


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