Turkic culture as a unique environment and product of ethnocultural impulses of the Great silk way
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The aim of the work is to study some aspects of cross-cultural mutual influence of the Great Silk Way to the social-economic, military, political and religious impulses of the Turkic states as an ethno-cultural environment. The Great Silk Way has a special place in the history of international relations. It was not only the global trading artery, but also was the ethos (channel) of diplomatic relations, providing intercultural communication between social, religious and regional groups. The Great Silk Way has made the so-called spiritual — ethnic and aesthetic bridge for cultural integration and moral enrichment of different social groups. It forms a great interest in the products, knowledge and cultures of each other. Therefore, the development of the Silk Way is a major cultural event in the history of mankind.
The Silk Way had a tremendous impact on the formation of political, economic and cultural structure of the territories which it passed through. One of the main advantages of the Silk Way was that all countries located along its caravan routes were interested in it for a long period of history, because it developed economic, cultural relations between countries. Each state aspired to pass caravan routes through its territory, ensuring the development of trade and prosperity of the country.
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