Reconstruction of a complex of arms of a noble warrior Sargatskaya culture (on materials of burial ground Sydorivka)

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O.S. Likhacheva


The aim of the article is the reconstruction of the set of weapons of a warrior sargatskaya culture according to the materials of the grave 2 of Kurgan No. 1 monument sydorivka in the Omsk region. The chronological framework of the work is determined by the III-IV centuries ad — the time, which dates from the considered complex. The source base of the work is the materials from the considered burial. To recreate the individual elements involved visual sources and analogies from other archaeological cultures. The study is based on a systematic approach. The main methods of work are the comparative-descriptive method and the method of reconstruction.

Burial ground Sidorovka is located in the Omsk region. The richest of the studied objects on this monument is the tomb-2 mound № 1. The burial contained almost all types of offensive weapons, as well as armor. The deceased was put the most complete set of weapons. On it it is possible to judge the types of weapon used by carriers of sargat culture and possible tactical receptions of conducting fight. In this tomb were also found parts of horse harness and the remains of the suit. This allows most fully to recreate the look of the buried warrior. Previously, this work has already been carried out, but the researchers focused on the costume. In our opinion, no less interesting and deserves special attention set of weapons, especially such a rare form of armor.

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How to Cite
Reconstruction of a complex of arms of a noble warrior Sargatskaya culture (on materials of burial ground Sydorivka). (2019). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 21(4), 34-47.
Author Biography

O.S. Likhacheva, Altai State University

кандидат исторических наук, хранитель фондов музея археологии и этнографии Алтая Алтайского государственного университета, Барнаул

How to Cite

Reconstruction of a complex of arms of a noble warrior Sargatskaya culture (on materials of burial ground Sydorivka). (2019). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 21(4), 34-47.


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