ISSN 2542-2332 (Print), ISSN 2686-8040 (Online)
Nations and Religions of Eurasia
The founder of the journal is the Department of regional studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations of the Altai State University. Published since 2007 as a collection of scientific articles, form 2016 as the scientific journal "Worldview of the Population of Southern Siberia and Central Asia in the Historical Retrospective".
Since 2017, the journal issued as "Nations and Religions of Eurasia"
The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.
The journal is included in russian science citation index РИНЦ as a periodical Approved for publication by the Joint Scientific and Technical Council of Altai State University.
The journal "Nations and religions of Eurasia" is indexed in aggregators and databases of bibliographic information:
ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, EBSCO,, CyberLeninka, OAIsters, ROAR, ROARMAP, OpenAIRE, BASE, ResearchBIB, Socionet, Scholarsteer, World Catalogue of Scientifc Journals, Scilit, Journals for Free, Journal TOC, OAIster, OCLC-WolrdCat, Socolar, JURN, JournalGuid.
Journal is registered with the RF Committee on Printing. Registration certificate PI № ФС 77–78911. Registration date 07.08.2020.
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.
We accept manuscripts in Russian and English.
All manuscripts received by the editorial Board are subject to double-blinf peer review. Color illustrations are published. Each article is assigned a DOI.
There is no publication fee or charge for any submitted or accepted articles. There is no article processing charges (APCs) would be billed to authors.
"Scientific Publication of the Year 2020"
The journal "Peoples and Religions of Eurasia" was recognized as one ofthe best scientific publications of Altai State University in 2020. Theeditorial board of the journal was awarded with gratitude, as well as acommemorative sign "Flame of Science".
Current Issue
Vol. 27 No. 4 (2022): Nations and religions of the Eurasia
ISSN 2542-2332 (Printed) / ISSN 2686-8040 (Online)
Nations and Religions of Eurasia
The founder of the journal is the Department of regional studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations of the Altai State University. Published since 2007 as a collection of scientific articles, form 2016 as the scientific journal "Worldview of the Population of Southern Siberia and Central Asia in the Historical Retrospective".
Since 2017, the journal issued as "Nations and Religions of Eurasia"
The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.
The journal is included in russian science citation index РИНЦ as a periodical Approved for publication by the Joint Scientific and Technical Council of Altai State University.
© Altai State University Publisher, 2022
Published: 2022-12-15
Full Issue
ISSN 2542-2332 (Print), ISSN 2686-8040 (Online)
Nations and Religions of Eurasia
The founder of the journal is the Department of Regional Studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations of the Altai State University. Published since 2007 as a collection of scientific articles, form 2016 as the scientific journal "Worldview of the Population of Southern Siberia and Central Asia in the Historical Retrospective".
Since 2017, the journal issued as "Nations and Religions of Eurasia"
The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.
The journal is included in russian science citation index РИНЦ as a periodical Approved for publication by the Joint Scientific and Technical Council of Altai State University.
The journal "Nations and religions of Eurasia" is indexed in aggregators and databases of bibliographic information:
ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, EBSCO,, CyberLeninka, OAIsters, ROAR, ROARMAP, OpenAIRE, BASE, Scilit, OAIster, OCLC-WolrdCat
Journal is registered with the RF Committee on Printing. Registration certificate PI № ФС 77–78911. Registration date 07.08.2020.
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.
We accept manuscripts in Russian and English.
All manuscripts received by the editorial Board are subject to double-blinf peer review. Color illustrations are published. Each article is assigned a DOI.
There is no publication fee or charge for any submitted or accepted articles. There is no article processing charges (APCs) would be billed to authors.
Editorial Team
P. K. Dashkovskiy, doctor of historical sciences, Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul)
International Council:
A.S. Zhanbosynova, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)
S. D. Atdaev, candidate of historical sciences (Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad)
N.I. Osmonovа, candidate of philosophical sciences (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)
Ts. Stepanov, doctor of historical sciences (Bolgariy, Sofiy)
A. M. Dosymbaeva, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)
Z.S. Samashev, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)
M. Gantuya, Ph.D. (Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar)
Y. Ikeda, doctor of Humanities (Tokyo, Japan)
E. Smolarts, Ph.D. (Germany, Bon)
Kh. Omarkhali, doctor of philosophy (Germany, Berlin)
Editorial Board:
S. A. Vasutin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)
N. L. Zhukovskay, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Moskow)
A. P. Zabiyako, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Blagoveshchensk)
A. A. Tishkin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)
N. А. Tomilov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Omsk)
T. D. Skrynnikova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)
O. M. Homushku, doctor of philosophy (Russia, Kyzyl)
M. M. Shakhnovich, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)
E. S. Elbakyan, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Moskow)
L. I. Sherstova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Tomsk)
A. G. Sitdikov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kazan)
E. A. Shershneva (managing editor), candidate of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)
M. M. Sodnompilova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude)
K. A. Kolobova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)
Editorial Council:
L. N. Yarmolenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)
L. S. Marsadolov, doctor of Culturology (Russia, St. Petersburg)
G. G. Pikov, doctor of historical sciences, doctor of cultural studies (Russia, Novosibirsk)
A. V. Gorbatov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo)
K. A. Rudenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kazan)
D. V. Papin, candidate of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)
A. K. Pogassiy, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Kazan)
S. A. Yatsenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Moscow)
S. V. Lyubichankovsky, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Orenburg)
U. A. Lusenko, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)
A. D. Tairov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Chelyabinsk)
A. V. Baulo, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)
A. V. Polyakov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, St. Petersburg)