Study of the genomic constitution of some species of the genus Deschampsia P. Beauv. (Aveneae Dumort., Poaceae)
УДК 582.542.1:575.17
Avenella, Deschampsia, NGS, phylogeny, PoaceaeAbstract
For 7 species of the genus Deschampsia of different geographical origin and Avenella flexuosa, a locus-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the region of internal transcribed spacer ITS1 and beginning of the 5.8S rRNA gene was carried out on the Illumina platform. It has been shown that species related to D. cespitosa form a common network of ribotypes, while D. pamirica and northern and subantarctic specimens of Deschampsia have their own unique ri-botype groups. It was revealed that the ribotypes of A. flexuosa occupy a separate position and have little relation to related species Deschampsia.
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