UDC 662.639:612.398.193:633.11:631.84
aspen sawdust, ammonium nitrate, granulation, wheat, field experience, grain yieldAbstract
A method for preparation of nitrogen-containing fertilizers based on aspen sawdust, including their impregnation with a water solution of ammonium nitrate and subsequent granulation, is proposed. The resulting fertilizers contain 15.42–16.07 wt.% nitrogen. The physicochemical properties of sawdust and fertilizers based on them are studied. It was shown that the pre-treatment of aspen sawdust by 1.0 wt.%. water solution of NaOH leads to the development of their porous structure, a decrease in the content of phenolic substances and makes it possible to obtain denser fertilizer granules. As a result of a field test on growing wheat of the Krasnoyarskaya 12 variety, a growth-stimulating effect of nitrogen-containing granular fertilizers based on aspen sawdust was revealed - the crop yield increased by 0.4–0.9 t/ha compared to the unfertilized background. A more effective effect on the yield of wheat of granulated nitrogen-containing fertilizer based on sawdust after their treatment with 1.0 wt.% water NaOH solution was established – according to this indicator, the achieved effect is 0.5 t/ha more compared to fertilizer based on the original aspen sawdust.
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