Ferula hermonis, root, saponin, oleanolic acidAbstract
The study of saponins from Ferula hermonis roots, belongs to the family Umbelliferae, growing on Mount Hermon in Syria, was undertaken. Saponins widely distributed in nature, encountered in plants of different climatic zones and have a wide range of pharmacological effects. Important properties of saponins: the ability to regulate water-salt metabolism, has Anti-inflammatory effect, reduce blood cholesterol levels, moreover, they possess immunomodulatory, cytostatic and cytotoxic effects on malignant tumor cells, reduce blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus type 2. Oleanolic acid manifests hepatoprotective and antiviral activity (HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, influenza viruses A and B).
As a result of qualitative reactions, was detected a existence of triterpene saponins. Then, after acid hydrolysis in: glacial acetic acid – hydrochloric acid – Purified water (3,5 : 1 : 5,5), using the method of thin layer chromatography, separation of saponins was carried out in the benzene-acetone (3 : 1), Oleanolic acid was identified. Results were confirmed by Spectrophotometry, after a reaction of saponins with concentrated sulfuric acid, by the characteristic maximum at 310 nm, the quantity of the content of saponins was defined, equivalent to oleanolic acid is equaled 7,27–8,49%.
Thus, saponins underground part of the Ferula hermonis is a promising target for future research.
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