Satureia subdentata Boiss, essential oil, Clevenger apparatus, gas chromatography-mass spectrometryAbstract
The taxonomic position of investigated species and its fragmented habitat together with polymorphic species within its natural propagation is of interest to study the variability of the trends on the component composition of essential oils along environmental gradients.
Based on the fact that Dagestan is part of the areal of this species previously to not been studied for the composition of the essential oil componentthe aims of the present study was to gain an understanding of the component of essential oil of a "typical" population Satureja subdentata Boiss. from the middle mountains.
The essential oil isolated from the aerial parts of S. subdentata by hydrodistillation was analyzed by GC-MS. Fifty three were identified from of total sixty one compounds.
Thus, the observed reduction of monoterpenes and derivatives thereof and sesquiterpenes and derivatives thereof increase when compared with the natural sample (Kuppinskу Pass,1000 m above sea level) with their samples to Gunibsky (1730 m above sea level) and Tsudaharsky (1100 m above sea level) experimental base. Noted differently directed action of altitude of raw material gathering places on above sea level on quantitative content of individual essential oil components.
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