
  • Мехрибан (Mehriban) Балабей гызы (Balabej gyzy) Зульфугарова (Zulfugarova) Institute of Botany of NANA
  • Эльдар (El'dar) Новруз оглы (Novruz ogly) Новрузов (Novruzov) Institute of Botany of NANA



Sambucus ebulus, anthocyanins, chromatography, spectroscopy, hydrolysis


The genus Sambucus L. belongs to the family Caprifoliacae = Sambucaceae and includes 25 species distributed around the world. In the Caucasus and Azerbaijan, spread 2 kinds of genus, one of them is Sambucus ebulus L., which is widespread inAzerbaijan and has a large reserve (1500 ths. Tons of fruits). Dwarf elder - herb, known in traditional medicine in many countries from central Europe to theMiddle East. Traditional medicine provides more information on the use of elderberry as an immune stimulant for the treatment of respiratory and gastro-intestinal disorders, hydrocephalus, and even as an antitumor drug.

Recent studies show an elder grassy high content of polyphenols, anthocyanins, quercetin and vitamin C, which may be related to its high antioxidant action. Also found that elderberry anthocyanins compared to other polyphenols compounds show a high antioxidant activity. Anthocyanins have a pronounced anticanserogenic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic properties. Anthocyanins are important indicators of the quality of fruits and strongly affect the appearance and taste of the products (juice, etc.) derived from them.

The article presents data on the quantitative and qualitative content of the composition of anthocyanin fruit Sambucus ebulus. By paper chromatography revealed that anthocyanin fruits contain 3 substances. By rreparative column chromatography sorbent from the pulp of ripe fruit isolated 3 individual anthocyanin. Individual anthocyanins purified paper. Based on chromatographic, spectral analyzes, and the acid hydrolysis is set to identity isolated anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside and cyanidin-3-sambubiozidom. Constitute the bulk of anthocyanin cyanidin-3-sambubiozid (67% of total) and cyanidin-3-glucoside. It was established that the quantitative content of anthocyanins in the ripe fruit of elderberry herbaceous, depending on growing conditions varies from 1,77–2,43% wet weight of raw materials.


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Author Biographies

  • Мехрибан (Mehriban) Балабей гызы (Balabej gyzy) Зульфугарова (Zulfugarova), Institute of Botany of NANA

    Старший лаборант

  • Эльдар (El'dar) Новруз оглы (Novruz ogly) Новрузов (Novruzov), Institute of Botany of NANA
    Заместитель директора по научной работе Института Ботаники


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How to Cite

2016. THE COMPOSITION AND CONTENT OF ANTHOCYANINS OF SAMBUCUS EBULUS L. FRUITS. chemistry of plant raw material. 1 (Oct. 2016), 163–167. DOI:

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