modification, cellulose nitrate, transesterification, reactivityAbstract
Published data on the reactions of cellulose nitrate with different reagents occurring by the donor-acceptor, radical mechanisms were generalized and systematized. The schemes of probable ways of reactions with nucleophiles and electrophiles were presented. The features of the chemical structure of cellulose nitrate macromolecules cause the possibility of chemical reactions on different reaction centers of elementary unit: reactions of nitrate groups, reactions of the available free hydroxyls and reactions of glycoside bond, always leading to the destruction of the polymer. Review of scientific and patent literature on this subject indicates that action of various kinds of chemicals on cellulose nitrate, as well as light and heat, leads to three types of reaction occurring concurrently, and the reactivity of each of the centers is in direct dependence on the next environment in an elementary link, changing in the process.Downloads
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