Pinus sylvestris L., essential oils, terpenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, dumps coal cutAbstract
The method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry studied qualitative and quantitative composition of the terpene fractions of essential oils derived from the needles of Pinus sylvestris L., growing in terms of waste dump Kedrovsky coal cut in Kuzbass. The research results were recorded on a Agilent 5973N and Agilent 5973N EI / PCI. Separation of the components of essential oils was performed on a gas chromatograph Agilent 6890 series, members of the chromatography-mass spectrometry systems. Mass spectra were recorded on a quadrupole mass spectrometer HP MSD 5971 with electron impact ionization with energy ionizing elektronov 70 eV. Studies iidentifitsirovano 37 components terpene fractions of essential oils, including 14 - and 23 monoterpenes – sesquiterpenes. The influence of edaphic conditions Embryozems blade and age composition of conifer trees on P. sylvestris terpenes. Deficiency in Embryozems nitrate nitrogen and mobile phosphorus contributed to the increase in the total content of terpenes from trees of different ages. Increase of the amount of terpenes in the second class of plant age compared with younger trees. The results of the research give reason to consider Scots pine plantations on dumps of Kuzbass coal mines, as a resource base for essential oils.
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