essential oil, Artemisia scoparia Kit., gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometryAbstract
Essential oil isolated from the Artemisia scoparia Kit. by hydrodistillation method. Samples foranalysis we collected in different areas of the Republic of Buryatia and Mongolia. The contentofthe essential to varyquitewidely from0,06 to0,40% from aerialparts ofA. scoparia,growing invarious districts of Buryatia and inSelenginskyaimak of Mongolia. Component composition analyzed by gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry of the oil. In total, there were found more than 100 compounds. The main components of essential oil were identified: p-cymol (0,6–15,2%), limonene (0,1–6,3%), α-pinene (0,2–10,1%), β-pinene (0,4–8,9%), germaсrene D (11,5–40,3%), trans-β-ocimene (0,3–5,4%), caryophyllene (4,6–13,8%), spatchulenol (4,0–11,7%), caryophyllene oxide (4,3–15,6%). The composition of the main substances of essential oils of A. scoparia can be divided into the following chemotypes: 1) containing acetylenic hydrocarbons – from the provinces of Gilan, Mazandara, Kashan, Tigran Iran, Tajikistan, as well as the European part of the CIS; 2) containing monoterpene and aromatic compounds - from the province of Khorasan, Iran, India, South Korea 3) containing monoterpene and sesquiterpene and aromatic compounds - Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The main components of the essential oil of A. scoparia presented mono-and sesquiterpene compounds for Buryatian flora. This is the third chemotype of A. scoparia from geographically close regions.
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