UDC 616.322: 547.9+543.544


  • Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kurkin Samara State Medical University
  • Ol'ga Vladimirovna Sharova Samara State Medical University
  • Polina Valeriyevna Afanaseva Samara State Medical University



Cinnamon rose, dog rose, Rosa cinnamomea L., Rosa canina L., fruits, carotenoids, β - carotin, standartisation, spectrophotometery


The fruits of wild rose (Fructus Rosae) have been widely used in both traditional and officinal medicine for the long time. The pharmacological effect of the Rosehip medicine is related to the content of such biologically active compounds as: water-soluble (ascorbic acid) and fat-soluble (carotenoids) vitamins, as well as flavonoids (astragalin, isoquercitrin, tiliroside). Such medicine as Holosas, Carotolin and Rosehip syrup are obtained from the fruits of this plant. In addition, wild rose fruits are part of the various fees from which patients could prepare water infusions at home themselves.

Regulatory documentation provides for the analysis of Rosehip raw materials three parameters: the content of ascorbic acid, the total carotenoids and flavonoids. The quantitative content of the total carotenoids in the fruits of the rosehip is regulated for the production of rosehip oil and Carotolin. However, in our opinion, the method of quantitative determination of the total carotenoids, described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation of the XIV edition, is too complicated and contains an unreasonably entered coefficient in the formula, leading to an overestimation of the analysis results in 10 times.

We have developed the methodic of quantitative determination of the total carotenoids in Rosehip, that include single extraction of raw materials with hexane at room temperature and periodic mixing in the ratio of «raw material : extract» 1 : 30. Investigated solution there was obtained by diluting the hexane extract in the ratio of 2:25 and measured the optical density at wavelength 450 nm. Adjustments have been made to the formula for the calculating of the total carotenoids relating to the removal of the coefficient 10 unjustifiably entered into the pharmacopoeial methodic. It was determined that the content of the total carotenoids calculated on ß-carotene varied from 10.15 to 74.5 mg%. The metrological characteristics of the methodic indicate that the error of a single determination of the total carotenoids in the rosehip fruits with a 95% confidence level is ± 3.57%. Based on the results of the studies, a new test quality indicators “content of the total carotenoids at least 30 mg%” was substantiated instead of 300 mg%.


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Author Biographies

  • Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kurkin, Samara State Medical University

    доктор фармацевтических наук, заведующий кафедрой фармакогнозии с ботаникой и основами фитотерапии

  • Ol'ga Vladimirovna Sharova, Samara State Medical University

    кандидат фармацевтических наук, ассистент кафедры фармакогнозии с ботаникой и основами фитотерапии

  • Polina Valeriyevna Afanaseva, Samara State Medical University

    кандидат фармацевтических наук, ассистент кафедры фармакогнозии с ботаникой и основами фитотерапии


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Low-molecular weight compounds

How to Cite

2020. IMPROVING THE METHOD OF QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNT OF CAROTENOIDS IN THE RAW MATERIAL “ROSEHIP FRUIT” : UDC 616.322: 547.9+543.544. chemistry of plant raw material. 3 (Oct. 2020), 131–138. DOI:

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