Lignin, reducing processes, differential UV-spectroscopy, monosaccharidesAbstract
The efficiency of chemical transformations in lignin macromolecules of a fur-tree ordinary wood (Picea excelsa) under action galactose, galacturonic acid and xylose was compared with results of use sodium borohydride. By the method of differential UV-spectroscopy it was shown that operate of alkaline solutions Gal, GA and Xyl on lignin to decrease in 1,26-2,85 time the intensity of absorption phenyl propane links containing ionic a-carbonyl at l 350 nanometers according to increase of reducing ability of systems; reducing of carbonyl groupings by sodium borohydride in equimolecular concentration to provide the decrease maximum in 5,1 times. At that the increase of peaks at 250 and 300 nanometers testifies about increase in the numbers of structural fragments in the free phenolic form, that in aggregate with increase of ability lignin to sulfonation and peroxide oxidation allows to assume about initiation depolymerisation processes as a result of redox-transformations of unsaturated bonds in propanyl macromolecule links.
The received results have the important scientific and practical value for the intensification peroxide modes of cellulose materials bleaching, both in pulp-and-paper branch, and in the textile industry. The revealed effects was realised in enzyme-peroxide technology of preparation to spinning of difficultly processed grades of a linen fibre with the high content lignin.Downloads
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