Northern Mongolia, Tolbor-4 site, initial and early Upper Paleolithic, stone technology, models of technological developmentAbstract
In 2017, after a long break, new excavations of the Tolbor-4 site in Northern Mongolia were carried out. As a result, a new stratigraphic section was obtained and the cultural sequence of cultural complexes was revealed. It was determined that the materials of the early Upper Paleolithic industries show a sequential evolution from the archaeological horizons 5b and 5a of the initial Upper Paleolithic, through the horizon of the Early Upper Paleolithic 4c / 5 to the final Early Upper Paleolithic / Middle Upper Paleolithic, horizon 4b. Here, there is a shift from the bipartite subprismatic splitting technology, typical of NVP, to get large and medium plates in the lower cultural stratigraphic unit of the archaeological horizon of the initial Upper Paleolithic 5b to small-plate unidirectional splitting of the final stage of the early Upper Paleolithic of horizon 4b. Based on a more detailed stratigraphic separation of the sediment thickness, the gradual formation of technological traditions of the early stages of the Upper Paleolithic of Northern Mongolia became clear.
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