Mongolia, Early Upper Paleolithic, lithic technology, typology, Last Glacial MaximumAbstract
The article considers the lithic assemblage of archaeological horizon 4a of Tolbor 4 site in Northern Mongolia (excavation campaign of 2017) in the context of development of Early Upper Paleolithic lithic industries during MIS-3 stage. On the basis of radiocarbon dates, stratigraphic position and techno-typological features of lithic assemblage this complex along with the industry of archaeological horizon 4b of Tolbor 4 is classified as terminal Early Upper Paleolithic. Th is industry is characterized by predominantly flake-based orthogonal and small-blade unidirectional reduction techniques. Th e collection of complex 4a revealed a geometric microlith — trapeze, previously considered a characteristic feature of the late Upper Paleolithic of the region. It was determined that the Early Upper Paleolithic of Tolbor 4 archaeological complexes shows a smooth sequential evolution from the Initial Upper Paleolithic of Archaeological Horizon 5, through the terminal Early Upper Paleolithic of Horizon 4c/5 to the terminal Early Upper Paleolithic of Horizons 4b and 4a. The radiocarbon dates obtained allow the chronological framework of the Terminal Upper Paleolithic to be shifted closer to the lower boundary of the Last Glacial maximum. The Terminal Early Upper Paleolithic technocomplex defined on the basis of complexes 4a and 4b of Tolbor-4, as well as Archaeological Horizon 4 Kharganyn-gol-5 have undoubted cultural and/or stadial reminiscence with the lithic industries of the Kunaley culture of Russian Transbaikal.
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