



northern foothills of Altai, Kurlek, settlement, fragments of ceramics, Early Iron Age, ornament, technical and technological analysis, Bystryanskaya culture, Kulaiskaya culture, Maiminskaya culture


Ancient pottery has a tremendous information potential for cultural and historical reconstructions. Such source of information requires a comprehensive study. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of a small collection of ceramic fragments (about 200 items) originating from the destroyed cultural layer of the Kurlek settlement in the northern foothills of Altai. According to the shape and ornamentation of the rims, the collection highlights and demonstrates the materials of three known archaeological cultures of the Early Iron Age: Bystryanskaya, Kulaiskaya and Maiminskaya. The results of the technical and technological research are of special importance. Seven different recipes of pottery paste have been recorded. They have been correlated with other identified features of ceramic production. There has been made a conclusion about contacts of the Bystryanskaya culture population with the representatives of the Kulaiskaya historical and cultural community. The Maiminskaya ceramics showed a mixture of different cultural traditions. Having studied the presented materials, there is still need for further considering other available finds within the framework of the mentioned cultures.


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Author Biographies

  • Aleksandr A. Kazakov, Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

  • A.A. Tishkin, Altai State University

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology

  • Nadezhda F. Stepanova, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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