Marigold tincture, calendulosides, thin-layer chromatography, validationAbstract
The thin-layer chromatography method of calendulosides’ identification in the Marigold tincture was developed. The validation characteristics such as specificity, robustness, precision were studied. During robustness study the influences of chamber’s type, stationary phase, development distance, conditions of dryness, stability of the test solution during analysis were investigated. The optimal conditions of chromatography analysis were investigated. The specificity of method of calendulosides’ determination was proved with the reference standard of calendulosides. The precision of the method on the same and on the different plates, the interlaboratory precision were studied. The possibility of usage developed method for standardization of Marigold tincture in the condition of the quality control lab was proved. For assuring specificity of identification of Marigold tincture, the determination of characteristic substances for Marigold flower – flavonoids, is reasonable.Downloads
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