Fulfillment of Dynamic and Static Scaling Hypotheses for an Ising Nanomagnet


  • Ж.В. Дзюба Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia)
  • В.Н. Удодов Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia)




ferromagnet, dynamic scaling, static scaling, critical index, one-dimensional magnet, Ising model


The paper presents the results of computer simulation of the generalized Ising model of a quasi-onedimensional nanomagnet by the Monte Carlo method. The simulation is performed for antiferromagnetferromagnet phase transition with periodic boundary conditions. The dynamic scaling ratio Y = v* z and the static scaling relation dv = 2 – α have been verified for the Ising nanomagnet using values of the critical temperature, as well as values of the critical exponents. Temperature dependences of the kinetic critical index and the product of the dynamic critical index Y(T) on the correlation length index of the v* z(T) are constructed for a linear system (cluster) of finite size. The influence of interaction energy of the second, third neighbors, and four-particle interaction on the fulfillment of dynamic and static scaling hypotheses is described. Parameters are found for the dynamic scaling ratio near the critical region to be within the errors. It is shown that the static scaling hypothesis within the framework of the one-dimensional Ising magnet model near the critical region is violated for any type of interaction. However, the relation v + α = 2 is satisfied within the errors for some temperatures. The obtained results are compared with the values for the Ising model with the «dangling ends» boundary conditions.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)4-04


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Author Biographies

  • Ж.В. Дзюба, Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia)
  • В.Н. Удодов, Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia)
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How to Cite

Fulfillment of Dynamic and Static Scaling Hypotheses for an Ising Nanomagnet. (2017). Izvestiya of Altai State University, 4(96). https://doi.org/10.14258/izvasu(2017)4-04

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